Friday, May 30, 2008

Klonopin After Expiration

Review: Kual joint activity, grouping Wajk

Sunday, 20 took place this talk debate on the situation of the people:

Kollo (QOYASUYU) today northern region of Argentina
Mapuce (Puelmapu ) Southern Argentina Today

The meeting was held in the social space and free HORMIGUERO BLACK of Revelation where people began to fall and began the activity jointly organized by the group Wajk PEWEH (water around the Pehuen) of the HORMIGUERO Neuk of Neuk BLACK and participation of a partner KOLL of Kolectivo LIBERTARIAN UTOPIA Acrata of jujuy after a round of presentation was passed to give the explanation for the subsequent play of the "palin" Mapuce game where all involved and spent a bit of joy and unity among nosotrxs.

After a poko sweat shirt was passed into the room to make a food tasting and not so Tipik Tipik such as muday, mote, fruit, pine nuts, fried cakes.

After his belly full step is a projection of power point on the status and progress of open-pit mining, one of the most direct responsible parties for the destruction of the earth estubo explanation partner in charge of jujuy k k talk about the situation they are experiencing not only the communities of Puna if not society as a whole and then relate and gave an explanation of the vision and worldview of his people with drawings and writings to explain his simboligia and rescue experience and identity as well fight k those enmarkan not just mine i no kon the status and situation of young vegan in the struggle and self-affirmation.

after that spent a couple of short Mapuce on the dispossession of their territories, another major oil companies responsible for the destruction of our mother earth by mining, paper mills, hydroelectric and others.

We also saw a short film about the celebration of winou ximpantu (New Year Mapuce) include the relationship of this celebration with all the indigenous peoples of america ke as is also the Inti Raymi haci komo served to give to know the most of the similarities in terms of symbolism, interpretation, espiritulidad, experience d Peublo these two brothers. An example is the meaning of the chakana or ñmir (square cross) and k kultrun arise from the same point and both the worldview of qolla suyu as in Mapuce are the same, the talk about interesting find us also point common sen estubbo very vegan Lidner the participation of other siblings who attended another of the current situation were the community TRAWEL Mapuce Neuk Leufu of conflcito qeu has a stone with the oil company whose brothers eagle pudieorn not attend the meeting on these grounds and send their greetings and support from distance and we our neheun tmabin ahci / Kamas (energy)

That's ending k kedo this talk in a collective proposal to stay together and strengthen both the urban and the communities of our people asleep identity



Thursday, May 22, 2008

Seated Leg Press Butt

CHILE [AP] Urban Screens Melbourne 08

Urban Screens Melbourne 08

Urban Screens send the invitation to exposicion en AUSTRALIA. Interesante puesta en escena en especial sobre las lecturas de las nuevas tecnologias y las formas de configurar una lectura de espacio publico.

Urban Screens Melbourne 08 is currently looking for researches to present posters on the latest development in the interdisciplinary field of Urban Screens. The poster presentations will be integrated in the overall Urban Screens Melbourne 08 event structure. You will be able to showcase your project to a public audience and professionals and stakeholders with distinctive interests in media and public space, in attendance at our conference “USM08 -Mobile Publics”. /conference-2008

The poster presentations provide a forum for authors to present their work in an informal and interactive setting. To bridge the Conference and the Multimedia Exhibition we are looking for proposals for posters and experimental presentations in public space. All accepted posters will be displayed in an exhibition in the public Atrium precinct, next to the conference hall, viewable for all conference attendees and the general public. The conference audience will be gathering around the A1 posters during the poster session to engage with the author.

Urban Screens 08 posters are ideal for presenting speculative, late-breaking results of ongoing research projects; for drawing important conclusions from practical experiments; for giving an introduction to innovative works or new practical design applications, and reporting on cutting edge technologies and content management systems currently in development.

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Ps3 Black Bars On Samsung

[AP] De Cuauhtemoc Medina

De Cuauhtemoc Medina CHILE

PUBLIC APPEARANCE invited conferences Cuauhtémoc Medina, moderate at this time Mario Navarro conferences.
Thursday, 22 May
Cultural Center of Spain Avenida Providencia 927
19:00 Friday, 23 May
Visual Arts Museum 307
José Victorino Lastarria
Plaza Mulato Gil
19:00 pm

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

What Is Masterbasting


Matucana 100

DO IT is a visual arts project unconventional. In fact, his works are not works, but instructions. It was designed in such a way that can be assembled simultaneously in different parts of the world by involving people from different cultures, generations and disciplines. DO IT exposures appear to disappear and never be repeated. DO IT is an adventure for the interpretation breaks the lethargy of traditional artwork and democratize artistic exercise. All of this is DO IT, but above all, is a liberating invitation to become an artist.

Matucana 100 DO IT brings to Chile and gives it a stamp of their own, inviting A Roof for Chile to participate in this artistic work, in accordance with the desire democratization of art that has the project. For this, we have organized 34 working pairs, each consisting of one resident and a volunteer of that institution, who will be responsible for interpreting the instructions of renowned international artists, doing their own work of art.

The exhibition is divided into two parts, the first will be inaugurated on May 22 and on display until June 29 works developed by the first 17 pairs of work. The season's second half, where the other 17 works on display will be from 4 July to 10 August.

Opening: May 22
DO IT first part: From May 23 to June 29, 2008
DO IT second part: From July 4 to August 10, 2008
From: 11:00 to 13:00 and from 14:00 to 21:00

Jose Llano

Architect Architecture Independent File & Designer Crimes

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be