Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How To Do My Hair Like Lady Gaga

Public Appearance invited to attend the National Meeting of Architecture Students on the idea of \u200b\u200bdrifting fragments City .

+ INFO www.enea2008.tk

Wednesday 30 July Thursday 31 July Friday 1 August

Saturday 2 August

USACH School of Architecture

ENEA is presented as an open platform meeting and discussion before the production of architecture students nationwide in which you view a student profile that lets the intellectual torpor of political transition to find the expansion of its own field and body. ENEA explores the dynamics that this time is the establishment of workshops, a laboratory that different parts of the city read like little urban settings operating in the public space, these ways of reading these fragments derive from the individual work but also integrated several student groups from various schools, in most cases detached and rebels of the traditional lines of teaching Architecture, seeking integration with neighboring fields such as visual arts, philosophy, economics, science and technology, this time made available to the citizens about the reality of Santiago de Chile.

I have a group and want to participate!

For the coordination of the activities carried out during the ENEA are making a series of meetings laboratory for proposing workshops and focused activities to account for these parts of the city, if you want to integrate this call contact.

Soriano Andres Romero

Bachelor of Architecture Co-Investigator [AP]

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Farewell Card Wording

Neuk Velvet Sunday is coming! Visiting friends:

domingoterciopelo We start up the traveling!! Sunday, 15 June

First stop: Cipolletti!
Location: The walk (Fernández Oro and M. Muñoz)
From 17hs to the Creative Front

20.30hs Artepidol
the woodlouse
Wind crazy people
Dr.Poroto (from bs.as, presenting his new album)
The H (Hugo Herrera, storytelling)
Soloist my soul (guitar, bandoneon duo)
Expose the artists:
Alicia Iommi
Marcela Zanellato
Maureira Isaac, among others ...
Admission: $ 2

The mental suffering is a stereotype, a classification within a normal abnormal hypocrite ...
invite tod @ s to demystify mental health and take responsibility for social health in all its aspects

l @ s hope !!!!!!

spread the word!!

Quotes For Editing Pitcures

[AP] De Mari Bartome

APPEARANCE Public Invited to the conference from May 22 Bartome Mari.Jueves

"It makes sense to ask questions of creativity in the world of culture in local areas only.

"The world of culture works even with modest means, when compared with other areas. It is important to see the benefits in society, not only generating one or another institution in terms of tourism or immediate income, but precisely this type of benefit, difficult to quantify, it is leisure, the expansion of the effect of content activities, exhibitions and cinema ... "

National Museum of Fine Arts
Parque Forestal s / n
19:00 pm Wednesday

June 18
Cultural Center of Spain Avenida Providencia 927

19:00 Friday, June 20

Carlos Caviedes Q. Bachelor of Architecture

Co-Investigator [AP]

_________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want To Be

Monday, June 2, 2008

Goodwrench Mud Tires Cost


Today we visited the beat of Artepidol vegan on their activities every Monday. The find created on paper.
is the second time we met, as ellxs had gone to visit and see the ant on a day where we talked, mateamos and share experiences and ideas.
On Monday we returned gladly visit and once again we wonder, we tie birthday party and we co nocimos a little more and we also captured a colagge of this meeting ... Soon
blog post them on the June date and time in which Artepidol exposes his art in the now famous "Velvet Sunday."
It's nice to visit friends: ... insurance soon concretes Another meeting and activity!
We leave a nice postcard of this beautiful day! Salutes!