Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tenderness In Right Thumb

Duarte and the Fragments

I must say first of all I am very patriotic although I live far from Dominican soil. So I feel with all the right to participate, criticize, and question some actions of the Dominican community. On Sunday afternoon I happened to fuck for the Upper Manhattan, had no clear direction only went out for a walk. I find by chance near the park Duarte with a well-nourished group of people with the tricolor, and had in place very many press, for nothing, had to cross to see the show. I was so hurt because as I approached hear more clearly what the group shouted out loud, at first I realized that somehow Duarte were praising it the next day or yesterday was the birthday of our father of the country, but after I did not know where to go faster to note that the group shouted insults at both the Governor end of the day. I think they forgot what they were celebrating or were not very clear that Duarte had nothing to do with the current situation of the country, and instead his birthday has become an excuse to attack the shift GOVERNMENT. Poor duarte, which we approached out of curiosity, but also people of other nationalities, mostly children were witnesses to this unfortunate incident that leaves us more than a poor showing, once again lost in the space of time should not have existed. Duarte, that you only actually doing remember on your anniversary, will also now take advantage of the flowers I disculsos flights offerings and making nonsense like that.