Friday, June 26, 2009

What Does A T Mean On A Wal-mart Receipt

"WHOSE CITY? Dialogue in the MAC FOREST Friday 26 at 15.00 hrs

city whose "?
Dialogue in the MAC FOREST Friday 26 at 15.00 hrs.

are all invited to take a position and discuss what can and can not be do in a city.

On Friday 26 at the Forest Park MAC

>> at 13:30 hrs LUNCH
>> at 15.00 hrs to 18:00 hrs

EXHIBITION>> at 18:00 We'll take tea hrs.

This activity is part of ancillary activities exposure Post-it City, City Casual . Greetings

Occasional Cities

AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Waterproof Traditional Zuluhuts

This Friday 19:30 pm .. Debate Talk Hormiguero: and after the elections ... what?!

Talk debate in the Black Ant

After the elections?
look from some social movements.

propose a form of self educate ourselves and to exchange positions. With the presence of kumpa anarchist resistance Society Mendoza (attached to the FORA) and local social movements kumpa ... keremos go beyond the electoral and actually argue that we are building and that both we ... collective otrxs .. Strengthening relationships concrete things and exchange ideas with other kumpa ... ... ....

l @ s @ s! wait for me!
this Friday June 26 starting at 19:30 pm
(.... Early in the cool ... ..)
Cipolletti 651 Calle in Barrio nqn Progress.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Side Effects Of Metathione

We slowly, people around the world, let's remember what this is about.

UFOs making crop circles



Videos UFO circles forming



Video banned from NASA

UFO TopSecret above (English) Part 1 of 4


UFO over Malaysia KL

http:/ /


Drunvalo Melchizedek - Buenos Aires August 2, 2008

The following is a transcript of the video subtitling where Drunvalo talks about various spiritual topics absolutely current.

light of the world has been in Tibet, China and India for a long time. Moved to South America, where it will be the new Tibet in the world, not all, but is focused on a site north of Chile, but covers a huge area of \u200b\u200bSouth America.

found that indigenous peoples around the world agree that we have entered a special and unique time in world history. It is a time when we are about to move from one mode of being to others completely different. And we can not see that right now, we can refer to it, feel it, see that there are huge changes going on around us, but the type of change is about to happen will be quite surprising for people because they are of a different nature what we are routing. Is of a nature in which the old ways, the ways in which we are familiar, they begin to dissolve in ways that are somewhat puzzling.

At the same time, new forms begin to replace them, which is very refreshing because they are loving, kind and easy. These are the kinds of things that moms make them boys, you know ... and ideas that we have sustained, such as Star Wars, we have the idea that the Universe are fighting each other, we will discover that this is not true, that in fact the universe is a living, conscious, and very, very old man who is concerned with what happens to itself in many ways.

Then, as I said, the ideas of Star Wars are just a mental fear of humans. In truth, the universe do everything I could to help. We are entering a time where it will be obvious. Which appears to be no hope, will receive the support, and where everything seems like no way out, we will find it. We will see the light through the darkness. It is a time of great hope we are entering.

The Maya, when speaking of this time was called The End of Time, because it is the end of a long cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. It's not like everything comes to an end, is the end of one cycle and the beginning of another.

But ... depends on what part of the cycle are talking about the Mayans. If they do it the old part of the cycle, which is that with which we are familiar: the banking systems, religions, governments, and all this sort of thing that is going to become extremely unstable, and if they are in correct, will fall apart completely and dissolve.

But instead there will be a completely new way of being. One way we have not seen on Earth, in the life of almost anyone for thousands of years, where the fear disappears.

We are near the end of the polarity and the consequent ideas of good and evil, the whole structure of what it means Good and Evil, which is much more complex.

If you look at the idea of \u200b\u200bGood and Evil or Good and Evil, no matter which of the polarities are located, there will also be a third. They have hot and cold, and then there is warm, up and down, with the medium. If you see the sun, Earth is the Moon. If you are man, woman is the child. Our time is past, present, future, space is in the X, Y, Z. Everything is a function of how we are interpreting the reality: As One. And that reality one is not going to change ... but our consciousness itself is what will change. When it does, we drop it, and we will not see it. Instead we see the Oneness of all life.

The perception that, when perception changes, then changes everything. Our sense of want, need or inability, or things we have to heal all these things disappear, simply end. Then, we realize that the whole universe is a living, there is only one Spirit moving through all, and a single consciousness.

A new way of perceiving enters life on Earth and we, in our present life, we will experience this. I mean, right now, at this time in 2008.

can not seem to be, the world is crazy! They are at war trying to kill each other, financial systems are to be broken completely, and so all ...

Is not that what the elders are saying on this planet, what they say is "finally we entered this place, and we're about to see something completely new." Although very old, is not really new at all.

Not that there's a mission, it is not there to do anything, it's about transformation. Is vibration. It is the condition of being, rather than making. The Do, or do I have to do or accomplish something "is part of polarity consciousness. Soon we will enter a state, which in fact we have already entered, is a baby, still growing. The very idea of \u200b\u200bneeding to do something to achieve something, or need something because we feel we lack, going to be obsolete. These ideas are not going to go with us because we will have the ability to do anything instantly, at any conceivable level of existence. We are about to gain control of sleep of heart, the place where Creation came first.

We believe we are living on a planet floating around the Sun is not true! There is no planet, there is no sun! Nothing is pure consciousness and nothing else. And the images we are looking at the stars, planets, moons and all, are actually a dream that was created in the heart long ago.

When we get back into the state of the living heart, and begin to dream as we did for millions of years, we realize that we can change anything.

At first, when that happens, it's great, people are excited about that, actually, because usually what happens, because we've seen this happen on other planets, in other places and times-say Wow! Do start to correct all the things in their bodies, heal all, getting all kinds of money and what they think they need, and then realize that there is more than that, leaving all those things by the roadside.

What they do is get really beautiful because we can change anything, the body is an image. We reached the point of giving us that there is more. It is there-or here, where the cycle begins again.

is a stage and is a way ... we are in the past this trip has already happened. What life is about to do is something that has never done before, ever. This is the first time since the Creation of all, who has decided to speed things up. So rather than take millions of years to make these different levels or steps, will be made, sometimes, in minutes. We are about to go at the speed of light through evolution, and through many, many levels that normally take thousands and thousands of millions of years to accomplish. We will achieve this very quickly. From the point of view experience, as two Earth years, what would normally take 10 to 15 billion years to get there, what will happen is between the Source, the Creator Father-Mother God. Then we realize that we are God.

The ability to create, which is our birthright, Tierce is what is about to remind us. Life on earth is a learning process but a process of remembering. We slowly, people around the world, let's remember what this is about. We'll see how the world begins to change forms, but we will not remember how old, unless they are part of creation ... and slowly going to get otherwise. We always know that the form will be created will be a good way because the heart never do anything that is detrimental to anything. The heart knows that life is one. Do not think of polarity, I never think that you're out. Always look for an image that is good for life everywhere. So this process is not one that has fear involved in it at all. This process is used for infants and children.

From the Indian point of view, this is called the Siddhis are powers. Initially there is a danger you can get in certain levels that, from the brain only, without involving the heart, or through the ego, while the ego is intact. If you can not remove the medium, and the ego takes over the process, becomes a serious issue because they lose an opportunity Really large, which is why the Hindus say it is dangerous. They may lose the spiritual life for a while, but come back anyway, because God lives in each one, there is no such thing as being lost forever. Can make a turn in the road, but always return (...).

The brain can create dreams that are not cute, and in a way is true on another level. You can control people, why is the polarity. The polarity is to dissolve; not have access to it. The reason for this is because for the existence of polarity has to be a grid Electromagnetic around the earth, which is about to be removed from the planet. The only access we have is old forms that is unity, which is what indigenous people say, or the new shape that supports a higher level grid unit, then we will be in one of those two, because there will be no one in the middle. So once this grid is discarded, what will happen soon, the world is removable forward in a positive and beautiful.

My teachers all over the world, indigenous people I work with are all together at this time. All I say, "say, because this is going to happen." Gaia can

do anything really. She shows it to people who feel it's okay to show it. I've seen him do things, I know she is aware, is fully aware of every little detail on the planet, she's going to make changes. And what indigenous people feel, is that there will be many people who are leaving the land. This is not bad, just that their spirits will move into an area of \u200b\u200bspace-time dimension that is very familiar to them. To make the kind of changes that we have, in other words, are going home, because they came from there before. But those who stay, and really not a lot of people are still hundreds and hundreds of millions of people. Those who remain will connect with their hearts, will become a single living being. Say the earth will be transformed into a spaceship, which will fly to a new way of Being of Melchizedek consciousness. Change the planet's orbit, and change the way we perceive reality. We've been changing the orbit since 1972.

I know there is much concern about people by the rapid changes. They are concerned they do not have food or water, or die from disasters, etc.. but that is not what is actually happening. It is a transformation in consciousness on a planetary level, is happening everywhere, not only here, everywhere. Is the whole universe is going through a transformation. If you really understand, there is nothing to fear at all, it's like finally we will reach a level of change that will occur very quickly. The magic filled the air.

If Mother does not want you to go, and wants to be part of the new place, they can not do anything to leave, no matter what it is you do, because it will ensure that they are not hurt. But suppose that will be, because you have so decided, then leave. Either option is a blessing.

God lives within each ... and can not harm God. We are just entering a way of being that is so foreign to our way of thinking for the past 13000 years ... We have been in polarity consciousness for a long time. In this consciousness are on their own, they have to protect themselves, to do everything is not about any of that stuff. It is only on transformation. Once you enter this transformation, and our process of remembering into operation, say, "oh, yeah, I remember now ..."

We must understand that to put it clearly, all life is One, is fully interconnected, it sustains itself. Only within the galaxy is like a living being, there are areas that are the heart, liver, kidneys, perform functions, we do this for you, is a stream of energy ... and no one there trying to kill each other. There are tiny portions of things that are going through changes that do not yet understand, but 99% eat thousands of nines then are there to support each other.

We are currently surrounded by about 250 000 cultures in the space ... who love us. They are wishing the best for us care about us. At the appropriate time we will see. And we know that the world is not there to catch us. It is not that way. We will realize that there is more in relation to life, than I ever dreamed. And it will be a revelation amazing. Because the world is so deep in fear now, with so much fear and so lost, do not know how to do things. All control subjects are everywhere, lack of food and so on.

Life is to make themselves known on Earth, literally known, and it is here.

just have to breathe ... stay connected to Mother Earth, Father Sky and not worry about anything, no matter how it looks. Everything will pass, and the light will start to come.

Life is whole, complete and perfect, nothing is missing and always has been. We have chosen to experience it. We do at a particular level of consciousness called Well and Mal, which means all good and bad possibilities. We experience, and the experiment is finished.

Now going back to something that has already been tested. This experiment we have been doing for the past 13000 years. Actually extends a little more, going to a little over two thousand years. Where does that fit into the larger equation of consciousness?

'm not sure, but it was one of the possibilities and we did, but now we are in the final. So just relax.

Everyone on earth came from somewhere else. The Earth is a new planet is at the edge of the galaxy. He has been there for 5 billion years, and the universe has at least 16 billion years. This is what we can prove, but may be older.

Our spirit is infinitely old, there has been a time when we have not been, and will never be a time that does not exist. Which means that all came from somewhere else. We ETs. Dolphins also are; came from Sirius with the whales. Many Pleiadians are here a long time. Aldebaran People ... and all other sides have been found here. Exactly how vain to do these different race, do not know. I know quite well how will the Syrians, because they, through these groups of elderly Indians will be the first to become known, as are their descendants. They are the parents and decided to do that. But after that, what the Mayans say about this moment is that the whole universe open to us. We can go anywhere and be where we want to be.

And yes, I understand, this is an odd, somehow, because we have been so limited, we have been quarantined on Earth, we could not leave the room. Someone closed the door long ago. And we're looking for life, trying to prove that there is something there. But that life is going to come here, is here. 250 000

The cultures I mentioned are those using their vehicles came. That means it is the lowest form of life in the universe, and came here.

You do not see the Archangel Michael traveling in a spaceship, not the need, you can be anywhere I want to be, the highest levels of awareness may simply be where you want to be.


I hope that people will be excited to see this life because something really beautiful is about to occur.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Dresses For 12 To 13 Year Olds



Yesterday I received the message that there were people who thought that appearance was a myth , which did not exist and that rare Once we made ourselves visible [Public]. I play also witness the unpleasant news that the new presentation of Public Post_ales for rotation America City Post it [both the new sheet as the new officers] were not exposed in the opening and peormente even the bringing of cases studies but was badly exposed in Barcelona. Simply is presented in Exhibit Valparaiso but we are not.

Without notice, without a formal communication, without regard to the work done, without regard to the agreement, openly, with a standard greeting as if nothing were wrong, as usual.

NI NI PUBLIC APPEARANCE, the work is and must be submitted will not be in the regular channels but should have been equally out of respect for ourselves and those who wanted to know about this project attended censored exposure, like other cases of exposure. Not only for being well appearance or by being in the area of \u200b\u200bfriction in public. Below preset images that were not exposed.

Appearance Continued Public transit, for good and without them too, a big hug to Paul and that it only prints a greater encouragement to continue with more strength in our work.



Patricio Echeverría

Public Appearance Collective.

AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Herpes On The Lower Back

International seminar "Art, Aesthetics and Urban Policy" SECOND STAGE
9 to June 11 , 2009 Cultural Center of Spain.

The second cycle of the seminar, called Cultural Dynamics: Reflect on the role of the visual arts in the construction of stories Recent
in Latin America opens with the conference "Art and public life not territory of Sao Paulo." BijaRi collective and
The seminar will be held on Tuesday, June 9
19:00 in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center of Spain, and continues with a workshop that will be done by the Collective Tailstocks BijaRi and Sao Paulo on 10 and 11 . Free Participation upon registration. CONFERENCE

"Art and public life not territory of Sao Paulo."
Tailstocks BijaRi collective and Art and Public Life in the Territory of São Paulo)

Carlos Caviedes Co-Investigator
Q Public Appearance


AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be