Thursday, October 2, 2008

Maker Softwell Solutions Descargar

KOOLHAAS HOUSELIFE, the virtue of simplicity

Mrs. Guadalupe Acedo hardly could fit a television presenter, much less with an openly critical of contemporary art and architecture, but the fact is that GCA is a time for a leading character in the circles in which architectural knowledge proliferates, as the central protagonist and why not say it as "speaker" of the house Bordeaux in documentary by Louise Lemoine is part of the exhibition of the Venice Architecture Biennale.

Not even the most sensilla could express this "masterpiece of contemporary architecture" (according to the merits seen in the documentary and presentation). A strange and why not say innovative planting the entrance to a work, an input and comment of a person who makes simplemnete housework and does not seek other readings beyond what she sees and sees daily. A blow to exhibit virtuosity.

Related Links:
Carlos Caviedes Q.
Architect Co-Investigator

AMERICA has a rest So, Where You Want to Be


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