Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obtaining History Of Immunizations In Ontario

[AP] Workshop collective as research / GROUP SITUATIONS

Workshop research collective as

The collective, as a process of differentiation links, perceptions and languages, is not exhausted or made in the political institution, or the existence of so-called "social movements, groups or individuals partners. However, beyond the ways in which it inevitably crystallizes the collective can be experienced as an index of the public.

The proposal of our group ( ) is to conduct these workshops to exchange in Seville, where we invited a group of local stakeholders in a workshop experience to take "collective as research ". What pictures, what concepts, what modes of expression we use for our vocation to politicize the ordinary?

Our invitation is to interact from a set of sensitive procedures, conceptual Collective and expressive as we are testing situations. We intend, through this experience, explore the potential of such procedures from the encounter with people who, coming from other paths, can share with us concerns (sickness, worries) over the group.

This activity involves the participation of a group of people belonging to different groups that are part of initiatives (artistic and political) in Andalusia, with whom he held an exchange of images, concepts and experiences.

The proposal will be deployed in three days, each dedicated to sharing levels of our experience of research militancy:

- the image as sense perception

- conceptualization as mapping instance

- the construction of expressive modes

In each area of \u200b\u200bdiscussion will be presented and discussed various materials from our current activities, as a trigger, in order to motivate an exercise of common thought

Session 1 - The nostalgia of this

Session 2 - Common notions

Session 3 - Expressive and politicization

See: Hall of Chancellor of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). Monasterio de Santa Maria de las Cuevas, Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla)
Date: 12, 13 and November 14, 2008
Coordination: Collective Advocacy Situations local
: Architecture and Social Commitment, Women's Caucus of Granada, Asociación Bureau of the estuary, AulAbierta, BNV Producciones, Casa Invisible, CatarQsis, Creator * s Invisibles, CSOA Sin Nombre, foam, Indymedia Estrecho, spoke on Thursday, Women in Black, Oopart Platform for Reflection on Cultural Policy, PRPC, UNIA arteypensamiento,

Date: November 12, 2008 Time: 19:00 Location: Aula Rector of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). Monasterio de Santa Maria de las Cuevas, Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla) free assistance to fill seats

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be


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