Saturday, March 7, 2009

My Father Masterbates In Front Of Me


International Seminar on "Art, Aesthetics and Urban Policy: Thoughts
and Arts and Social Practices in the Public Space in Latin America "

Cities have been the scene of great mixes and exchanges but also of contrasts and contradictions. The last fifty years, lifestyles and appreciate the city have changed dramatically in Latin America. This process has been analyzed and incorporated through different areas of production from the formal spaces of production and dissemination of the arts, public policy and public demands to ways to use and occupy the public spaces and media. Thus we invite the CCE and Bravo Viviana B. to participate in this seminar.

The seminar, which includes lectures, exhibitions and workshops, opens the conference Intervenções Urban: um balance (or projeto Arte / Cidade - São Paulo) / Urban Interventions: A Report (Draft Arte / Cidade, São Paulo), Nelson Brissac, a prominent Brazilian curator specializing in Art in Public Space.

The activity will take place on Wednesday 11 March : 19:00 in the Auditorium of the Cultural Center of Spain Avenida Providencia 927. Metro Salvador.

International Seminar on "Art, Aesthetics and Urban Policy: Thoughts and Arts and Social Practices in the Public Space in Latin America", from 11 to 27 March 2009. The seminar includes lectures, exhibitions and workshops in Santiago and Valparaiso

program, registration form and more information at

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Patricio Echeverría E.


AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be


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