Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can I Upconvert My Ps2?

This Sunday ... Velvet in SEJUN! Macri

galactica family care !!!!!!
we let the invitation for this Sunday!

undiagnosed Art / art integration
Domingoterciopelo (creative space-therapeutic)

This Sunday 31 May from 17.30hs
Community cycle that integrates social health Art reopened its doors in the city of Neuquén.
SEJUN In the Hall (Calle Rioja Almost Elordi)
departure: Front

Creative Artepidol
woodlouse & Kittens Paris
The H & Co.
The scam dub
(trombone quartet) Mad Varas
Binomio (circus skills)
Tinto Feria Tinta
Presentation: Group Pchotistas

l @ s hope! spread the word!

The mental patient is a stereotype. A classification in a normal abnormal hypocrite. We invite all
sa demystify Mental Health and Social Health be responsible for all aspects.
until all the walls fall!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sample Request For Company Telephone Line

Caballito evicted in the Huerta illegal Orgázmika + Raid "La Sala"

Here we post this news for dissemination urgent-ndir shouted back in relation to the eviction of the Huerta Orgázmika in Caballito, which represents a 7-year work comrades and vecinxs ... And joined an illegal hallanamiento "The Room" (vegan comrades who were working at the site suffered beatings and were detenidxs). Vegan manifest when the police beat was hard and there were several detenidxs reprimidxs ... Well ... Here are the press releases and news ... Monday May 18, 2009

4901-2385 / 1556521519

Rojas and via (Est. Caballito TBA)
THE City Government illegally evicted Caballito garden. We are focused on Rojas and the way and call to all those who can urgent approach. After 6 AM, in a display of which we are accustomed lately the Government of the City, to bring "order" the "public" space. Equipped with bulldozers, a group of infantry, police in civ il unidentified and trucks to dismantle the area, broke into the property that for over 8 years have been building from the neighborhood of Caballito. Rocked colleagues who were at the scene and took them out. Then they continued with the garden and sweeping away everything around it. Rojas called to focus on and via (Est. Caballito) to express our total rejection of the illegal policy of government macrista desalojos e incautación del espacio "publico" y definir medidas.

Comunicado de la abogada:
desalojo de la huerta orgazmika publicado en

A las cinco treinta de la mañana el jefe del CGP 6 , un tal señor Iambrich, junto a un grupo de infanteria de la PFA y agentes uniformados, y topadoras del GCBA, comenzaron a derrumbar la huerta Orgazmika de caballito, sin orden judicial y basados unicamente en un informede la defensoria del pueblo que informo situacion de potencial peligrosidad para la reproduccion del mosquito del dengue. Beyond the square and the railroad tracks adjacent to the garden are sprayed periodically with the poison (known herbicide) glyphosate to kill all life including mosquitoes and people. No technical reports, and as a vile excuse for joining the uniformity of green spaces: the eviction is unlawful, illegal and violent, and a colleague was severely beaten by members of the PFA. There is no any title held by the GCBA to authorize the eviction has no legal basis or legitimacy, there was no administrative or judicial order for the passage of the bulldozer, there was this any fiscal or judicial officer to ensure the illegitimate eviction. Orgazmika The garden was created over seven years, the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding a communal workspace and autonomous. We demonstrate and foster community through the task, the ability to generate autogeationados green spaces in cities, rebuilding the knowledge of organic crops either in public spaces or in our homes. glyphosate is in the streets of your neighborhood .....

Walsh Agency - Monday, May 18, 2009

(AW) today at 4 in the morning without a warrant, Macri and his gang forcibly evicted Caballito community garden.

Buenos Aires, May 18, 2009. Agency (Walsh) .- An illegal search occurred is morning in the land they occupy the side of the railroad tracks at the station Caballito Sarmiento, the community enterprise called "Caballito Orgazmika Huerta." Around four o'clock, members of the federal police and the railway station accompanied by an official of the CGP Marcelo Iambrich 6, broke with bulldozers on the ground, destroying everything in its path. The procedure performed "between cocks and midnight," in order to avoid the logical mobilization s neighbor in defense of the garden was done with the argument supplied by the Ombudsman's report that the place would be a threat Dengue. around 4.30 pm. an aware group of students who were to defend the place was repressed by the police. Currently neighbors and friends of the enterprise are cutting the street Rojas and Giordano Bruno, at the height of the railroad tracks, while a group of Control Unit Public Space (UCEP) tries to put gates to the place. The national state-owned land and are administered by the ONABE, so the city government has no authority over them - Caballito Orgazmika La Huerta is a community endeavor initiated by the residents who formed the Popular Assembly Lamagna Diego from December 2001.

micro-elements of the brutal repression and illegal abduction of comrades during the afternoon of Tuesday, May 19: No more than 30 protesters marched Tuesday May 19 to the CGPC No. 6, to protest and the Director of CGP escrachar No. 6 Marcelo Iambrich for his role in the illegal and violent eviction of the garden during the day Monday. Upon arrival at the building around 15hs, located in the 4558 Diaz Velez, to make painted (not threw any stones or destroyed anything, as reported algunxs) a group of approx 15 members of the Corps and another Federal Police began pushing and hitting people expressed, initiating a chase that lasted about an hour and a half for all Caballito Almagro. Several protesters were detained, some also wounded. The actions of the security forces did not stop there, but without a warrant, stormed to the Cultural Center Hall (photos), hitting everything and all the comrades what they found in their journey, taking all LA detenidxs to the police station Velez Diaz 11, 5152. The number of detainees was 21 people amongst themselves and a pregnant minor, and several people were injured (one still remains hospitalized, the risk of being run by kidney disorders due to palazos received). For hours Hundreds of people demonstrated outside the police station, denouncing the incident and demanding the immediate release of all LA Anarchist detenidxs, with counsel from the garden. Accompanied human rights organizations and attended many media. The last prisoners were released at 20.30 pm. approx. demand: - immediate resignation from office of the Director of CGP 6 Marcelo Iambrich - Return of the ground lost in the Garden Orgazmika - dropping of the cases brought to detainees during the Tuesday 19. - Decommissioning of the UCEP (Control Unit Public Space) more info on page 12 and indymedia if you want to look ... Note: the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden belonged to ONABE. The fact that he was transferred to City became obsolete soon after the beginning of this decade, the government for failing to comply with the commitments made with respect to that space.

Sitixs ranging report on the situation:

Click to see video of Eviction

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