Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Can I Upconvert My Ps2?

This Sunday ... Velvet in SEJUN! Macri

galactica family care !!!!!!
we let the invitation for this Sunday!

undiagnosed Art / art integration
Domingoterciopelo (creative space-therapeutic)

This Sunday 31 May from 17.30hs
Community cycle that integrates social health Art reopened its doors in the city of Neuquén.
SEJUN In the Hall (Calle Rioja Almost Elordi)
departure: Front

Creative Artepidol
woodlouse & Kittens Paris
The H & Co.
The scam dub
(trombone quartet) Mad Varas
Binomio (circus skills)
Tinto Feria Tinta
Presentation: Group Pchotistas

l @ s hope! spread the word!

The mental patient is a stereotype. A classification in a normal abnormal hypocrite. We invite all
sa demystify Mental Health and Social Health be responsible for all aspects.
until all the walls fall!


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