Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Right Way To Jack Off Without Buying Anything

Workshop Course

Training conscious body with elements of contemporary dance, yoga, body and sensory perception

personal expressive movement from improvisation.
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 to 11.30.

Open Class: Tuesday, March 8. Advance registration

Bamboo Cultural Center.

May 25, 1562. San Fernando.

Dancer and Teacher of Body Language with extensive experience in various physical techniques (contemporary dance: release, low-flying, graham, contact improvisation, yoga, Feldenkrais, dance afro) formed in Japanese massage Massage shiatsu, Thai massage and California. His classes aim to provide the necessary tools to increase awareness and perception of own body in its dual aspect anatomical and expressive. He teaches since 2004 in several separate spaces for Federal Capital and Province of Buenos


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