Friday, December 19, 2008

Ankle Boot Rubs Ankle

[AP] public appearance in

public appearance in CONCEPCION




"TUP" Public Works " - SANTIAGO. Alexis Llerena / Patricio Castro

" public appearance " - VALPARAISO. Jose Llano / Carlos Caviedes

REPUBLIC MOBILE - CONCEPTION. Mauricio Faundez / Julio Suarez / Luis Felipe Maureira

"skateboard CONCE CLUB STYLE DESIGN - Chigwell. Gabriel Ramos / Pablo Palma


Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ice Cream Baby Shower

CONCEPCION [AP] CRAC!! Acciones y Valores

CRAC!! Acciones y Valores


PUBLIC APPEARANCE invited to exhibit the draft RESIDENTIAL CENTER CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS 2007-2008 to be held on Friday Dec. 19 at the Gallery Puntangeles at 19:30 .

The exhibition includes the creation of a database of citizen initiatives, where each viewer can display their proposals and projects for the city. The initiative also contemplates the recording of activities undertaken during the years 2007 - 2008 by CRAC, these include: records of interventions in public spaces were eight artists in residence for this duration and parallel activities such residences as seminars, workshops, meetings, among others.

DATE: Friday 19 December.

TIME: 19:30 hrs.

PLACE: Gallery Puntangeles

( O `Higgins 1270, Civic Plaza Regional Municipality)


Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Bubble Wedding Favor Sayings

The Fence Wooden Toys! Creativxs, recyclable and divertidxs models ...

How about a wooden robot to give this Christmas?

scratch every toy manufacture. Each model is designed to be more than just an object: it is a combination of design, imagination, play, enjoyment and appreciation of the beauty of a natural material.
We do not use toxic products are 99.9% recyclable and are aimed at children and those adults who play and imagine they are still an important part of their lives.

Want to know more about Toys The Fence?:
or wrote to barda.juguetes @

Friday, November 28, 2008

How To Reset Compu Star

[AP] Postmetropolis in Castilian / Dealers

Postmetropolis Edward Soja
Dreams Dealers

Postmetropolis is one of the most important texts the past few years. Not only that gives us a re-reading on the socio-cultural dimensions of space, history and society but because it clearly opens some key interpretations of the ways to understand the heterogeneity, the discursive and the clear vision of our post-industrial practices urban.

Another tremendous contribution Dream Dealers !

------------------------------------------------ --------------
Postmetropolis is one of the major theoretical challenges made so far to understand the transformations that are fleshing out the contemporary urban worlds. Their analysis

slide on the main lines of mutation of urban life: the economic redevelopment of large cities, new forms of spatial organization of these megacities, the dynamics of polarization and social segregation, growing cultural and ethnic complexity urban areas, strengthening the control devices and infiltration of virtual realities in everyday life. Their goal however is not limited to mapping, with remarkable precision empirical articles of this new metropolitan constitution. With a more ambitious, this book also aims to provide a comprehensive review of approaches and approaches to social studies. A job evaluation and selection gets drawn criticism about what is still alive and current critical thinking space. In the final analysis, the question that guides this research remains: what kind of knowledge is most effective when facing a policy the height of this great urban transformation? Edward W.

Soy is professor at the University of California and the London School of Economics. His work has been directed primarily to recognize how radically new ways of inhabiting and experiencing space in the large contemporary cities. These changes require, in its opinion, equally radical revision of geographic tools and concepts that will finally give a new centrality to the "spatial dimension" in the framework of social studies. E. Soy is also the most relevant figure of what has been called the school of urban studies critical of Los Angeles. His major works are Postmodern Geographies (1989) and Thirdspace (1996), a trilogy completed with this volume.

Number of pages: 594

PVP: 35 €

Download PDF

------------------------ --------------------------------------

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

_______________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Monday, November 17, 2008

Herpes Can You Get It By Sharingjeans

Dreams [AP] Criptonita / (Cpt) Spreading

(Cpt) Spreading
new scenarios and technological fields investgación

collective Criptonita / VALPARAISO

Many thinkers have referred to the so-called modern technology, and have analyzed the development of this impact in the most varied fields of thought. Ilya Prigogine, a famous Russian physicist, spoke to our times as the "era of uncertainty", where even the scientific basis of humanity were disrupted due to this fact.

The book spread: new scenarios and technological research fields , edited by (Cpt) Criptonita, is a call transversal, multidisciplinary and international, which seeks to capture the different perceptions about it.
The publication was made possible thanks to the contribution of IDF Institutional Development Fund of the Ministry of Education.

spread: new scenarios and technological research fields
closed 20 * 20 cms, 144 pages. Couche
Paper 300 g (front), 170 grams (indoor). ISBN 978-956-319-537-8

Value: $ 4,000
How to achieve? Maria Paz Velasquez calling at 08-8480843 or 07-4102586 Claudio Astudillo to, or write to

Participants: Neil Gaiman

/ / writer of science fiction and comics UK, Finland
/ / 'Babycakes'

Sergio Araya
/ / Architect PUC, MIT Phd
/ / ' Electronic Guimard '

Rodrigo García
/ / Architect PUC, Dr. U. Madrid Politéctica
/ / 'Spline'

Ciro Najle
/ / Architect dipl Columbia architect UBA FADU msaad
/ / 'Artes machines'

Gregorio Brugnoli
/ / Architect, U. Central de Chile, AA PhD studies
/ / 'approaches to the project: Experience CORMA'

Jorge Godoy
/ / Architect PUC, March
AA / / 'Atlas Corps liminal'

Ruairi Glynn
/ / Architect UK, Bartlett University, editor
/ / 'An Interactive Architecture'

Luis Felipe Gonzalez
/ / Architect PUC Candidate a Ph.D. in Engineering Science, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
/ / 'Design by restrictions on Participatory Housing '

Philippe Dardel
/ / BA in Social Communication at the University of Chile
/ / ' The Beauty of Helena, or In Praise of Barbarism '

Raul Espejo
/ / Civil Engineer Industrial U. Chile, Dr. University of Aston in Birmingham, UK; Project Cybersyn (
/ / 'Cybersyn and re-construction of a holistic nature'

Jose Llano
/ / Architect U. Central Public Appearance Collective (
/ / 'Site-Specific'

/ / Performance Artist, Australia, Chair in Performance Art School of Arts Brunel University West London, Senior Research Fellow & Artist in Residence, University of Western Laboratories Marcs Sydney
/ / 'Ear on Arm Project' (

Paul Banda
/ / USM Student
architecture / / 'On the Authorship '

Nicolas Valenzuela
/ / PUC architecture student, student group arq. PUC Review 110 (
/ / 'Between the 60s and 00s'

Ferrari's Felipe
/ / group of architecture students from the PUC (
/ / ' Travel & Places'

Paul Ortúzar
/ / BA Anthropology U. Chile
/ / 'value and artifacts cotidiandos'

Nicolás Ortiz / / Bachelor of Architecture USM
/ / 'Towards an intelligent structure by nature' (interview with Martin Hemberg , AA)

Leonardo Solaas
/ / Philosophy UBA, Argentina, programmer, designer and web developer
/ / (Home)

Jose Llano
Independent Architecture & Designer Crimes File

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obtaining History Of Immunizations In Ontario

[AP] Workshop collective as research / GROUP SITUATIONS

Workshop research collective as

The collective, as a process of differentiation links, perceptions and languages, is not exhausted or made in the political institution, or the existence of so-called "social movements, groups or individuals partners. However, beyond the ways in which it inevitably crystallizes the collective can be experienced as an index of the public.

The proposal of our group ( ) is to conduct these workshops to exchange in Seville, where we invited a group of local stakeholders in a workshop experience to take "collective as research ". What pictures, what concepts, what modes of expression we use for our vocation to politicize the ordinary?

Our invitation is to interact from a set of sensitive procedures, conceptual Collective and expressive as we are testing situations. We intend, through this experience, explore the potential of such procedures from the encounter with people who, coming from other paths, can share with us concerns (sickness, worries) over the group.

This activity involves the participation of a group of people belonging to different groups that are part of initiatives (artistic and political) in Andalusia, with whom he held an exchange of images, concepts and experiences.

The proposal will be deployed in three days, each dedicated to sharing levels of our experience of research militancy:

- the image as sense perception

- conceptualization as mapping instance

- the construction of expressive modes

In each area of \u200b\u200bdiscussion will be presented and discussed various materials from our current activities, as a trigger, in order to motivate an exercise of common thought

Session 1 - The nostalgia of this

Session 2 - Common notions

Session 3 - Expressive and politicization

See: Hall of Chancellor of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). Monasterio de Santa Maria de las Cuevas, Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla)
Date: 12, 13 and November 14, 2008
Coordination: Collective Advocacy Situations local
: Architecture and Social Commitment, Women's Caucus of Granada, Asociación Bureau of the estuary, AulAbierta, BNV Producciones, Casa Invisible, CatarQsis, Creator * s Invisibles, CSOA Sin Nombre, foam, Indymedia Estrecho, spoke on Thursday, Women in Black, Oopart Platform for Reflection on Cultural Policy, PRPC, UNIA arteypensamiento,

Date: November 12, 2008 Time: 19:00 Location: Aula Rector of the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). Monasterio de Santa Maria de las Cuevas, Isla de la Cartuja (Sevilla) free assistance to fill seats

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Chinese Zodiac Snake Compatibility



When the city becomes a laboratory, not a panopticon. ANONYMOUS becomes a strategy


anonymity and CITY
experience is not only a strategy to reposition the subject in the city but has created a space for reflection on the models and ways of doing things. VALPARAISO



Anonymity and City

THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 13 14:00 to 3:00 p.m.

web: http://www.radiotierra . com / Greetings

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

What Would Cause Dry Heaves In The Morning

[AP ] Marcelo Exposito in

Marcelo exhibitors in CHILE

PUBLIC APPEARANCE invites a conversation with the English artist Marcelo Expósito, which us will have more of their projects

Monday 17 November at 11:30 hrs.

School of Art and Visual Culture University-Valparaiso ARCIS . Street
Lautaro Rosas 428, Cerro Alegre , Valparaíso

organized: CRAC Valparaiso

----------------------- -------------------------------------------------
exhibitors has not only charged socio-political visions of our urban locations but develops a working hypothesis through d ela experience and its tectonic everyday: PARTICIPATION ACTION as

come join

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Friday, November 7, 2008

Ball Python Cage Locks

In the Crafts Fair in Neuquen!



-always in front of the cathedral

news ...

  • Sudestada No. 71 "The shadow of Sandino"
+ Painting EZLN
+ Dossier Colombia
+ Hidden City in photos
  • Sudestada No. 72 "Pizarnik: a word to silence"
+ Story unpublished Daniel Moyano
+ Interviews Pablo de Santis, and Carlos Gorostiza
+ Fucile: artists irrelevant
  • Sudestada No. 73 "Why Stalin defeated Trotsky "
+ Osterheld for children
+ Interview with Paul Reyes
+ Ghosts of the Falklands
  • Sudestada No. 74 "The Notebooks of Zitarrosa"
+ Why Stalin defeated Trotsky (Part 2)
+ Lovecraft: The lord of darkness
+ Passion by Mika Etchebehere

also ...

G E N D A R S E M L O I O N 2 0 0 9!

and new books from publishers:

  • Milena Casserole
  • Collective
  • hell pedals

also recommend the last of William of Pósfay!

And much more ... Approach the craft fair from Thursday to Sunday from 17 pm.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Kates Play Ground Nipples



We believe! !

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica . _________________________________________

AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Sample Letter For Disconnect Telephone Line

Workshop with Desert Fugitive "political regime of heterosexuality as"

That was the title of the workshop that brought us together on the sunny Saturday 20, a fugitive, girls and boys tie anarchists, feminists Disobedient, No Captive and independent in the warm shelter the Black Ant, the libertarian space Cipolletti street in Neuquén. It was a meeting where they spoke a little of everything but perhaps more important than what was said, was that energy, that drive, that intensity that you all feel: the urge-embodied-in a different world.

The word, along with mate, passed from hand to hand and slowly, with anecdotes, theory and laughter, heteronormativity was losing the clothes that disguise it Nature, that corset that distresses, compels, press, limited.

Cuidate, compulsory heterosexuality ... you are looking for!

Blog Post extracted from the desert fugitive on the workshop held in September.

Thanks fugitive, disobedient, not captive Anarchist corbatxs and participated in the workshop and managed it all became so hot!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Pokemon Heartgold Cheats Desmume

Invitation - Public Library Fonseca - Presentation Erinyes

Erinyes presents

ESP DAY ecial

of Griselda

Ga mbar










soon as

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dogs Lips Discoloring

the 9th is coming Independent Book Fair and Alternative! Show

latintatinto and tie ... The 9th




October 18

of 12 to 00hs

in New Hope recovered balloons factory,
- peace Marcos 2561, Villa Devoto -
(between Mark Taylor and Sao Tome, one block from Av Segurola )
Bondis: 47-107-109-124-53-85-114-135
Admission is free

Books, magazines, fanzines,
alternative publications, publishers, independent escritorxs
posters, stickers, albums, t-shirts, paintings, photographs, collages, cartoons,
meetings locxs, films, slides, peículas, documentaries,
championship of bubble gum, King larva
poetry and live bands, lectures, workshops, homemade breads, gifts for your old,
incoherent conversations, the mother of hake, street culture
independent Murga
we restored the mural in the factory!
and much much more!

from noon until midnight! ***

on the street is made

and balloons factory The New Hope , recovered by workers.

continue to build a free participation
no sponsors, no marks.
Free Culture,
collective growth.


For info, questions, doubts:
info.flia @

minute Info:

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Nose Looks Bad When You Use Flash

[AP] CRISIS / code

read in
Crisis = Danger + Opportunity

This is the Kanji symbol for represent the word crisis. Interestingly consists of two symbols, one is "danger , the other is" opportunity. "

Danger and Opportunity.

This symbol and its translation are touched in some way. A situation in life or work, taken as a criticism or adverse must be reinterpreted by which suffers.

A Crisis is a time of danger, but at the same time is the new direction or opportunity to take a new path, without having gone through that time we ever decided to pursue.

must leverage the crisis from a positive attitude, it is difficult and possibly the confusion of the moment still far more complicated, but let's not forget that the new threat can have a positive impact even larger in our life ....

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

_________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Monday, October 6, 2008

Palpitation And Tingling

[AP] on the Crisis and the Cultural Economy

on Crisis and the Cultural Economy
is an exercise in speculation and confidence .................... but pays the interest?

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture & Designer Crimes File

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Maker Softwell Solutions Descargar

KOOLHAAS HOUSELIFE, the virtue of simplicity

Mrs. Guadalupe Acedo hardly could fit a television presenter, much less with an openly critical of contemporary art and architecture, but the fact is that GCA is a time for a leading character in the circles in which architectural knowledge proliferates, as the central protagonist and why not say it as "speaker" of the house Bordeaux in documentary by Louise Lemoine is part of the exhibition of the Venice Architecture Biennale.

Not even the most sensilla could express this "masterpiece of contemporary architecture" (according to the merits seen in the documentary and presentation). A strange and why not say innovative planting the entrance to a work, an input and comment of a person who makes simplemnete housework and does not seek other readings beyond what she sees and sees daily. A blow to exhibit virtuosity.

Related Links:
Carlos Caviedes Q.
Architect Co-Investigator

AMERICA has a rest So, Where You Want to Be

Sharking European Top



Terraform is a short published on the Web that reflects hacerca of globalization and its own mechanisms, tools, benefits and problems. More interezante that the same theme is the application tool of the human in his own behalf, and a proto-representation of the global mapping as a constant.

Carlos Caviedes Q.

AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Military Homecoming T Shirt Designs Ideas

Neuk Iconoclasistas in Tokat

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eod Deaths In Afghanistan

human cartography [AP] May 68 seen through the eyes of today

May 68 seen through the eyes of today
by Slavoj Zizek

What is utopian to think that the present capitalist system can reproduce indefinitely. The catastrophe is looming. Hence the relevance of the May '68 slogan: "Be realistic, demand the impossible."

One graffiti appeared on the walls of Paris in May '68 said: "Structures do not walk down the street!". But Jacques Lacan's response was that that was precisely what had happened in 1968: the structures were on the streets. The most visible and explosive events were the result of a structural imbalance, the transition from one form of domination to another in terms of Lacan, the discourse of the master discourse of the university.

There are good reasons to hold opinions so skeptical. As Luc Boltanski and Eve say Chiapello in The New Spirit of Capitalism, from 1970 gradually emerged a new form of capitalism, who left the hierarchical structure of process Ford-style production and developed a network organization based on employee initiative and autonomy in the workplace. Instead of a central chain of command and hierarchy, have networks with a multitude of participants to organize work in teams or projects, looking for customer satisfaction and public welfare, care about ecology, and so on. Ie, capitalism usurped the leftist rhetoric of worker self-management, was to stop being an anti-capitalist slogan to become capitalist. Socialism, began to say, there was no point because it was conservative, hierarchical, administrative, and the real revolution was the digital capitalism.

of sexual liberation has survived sixty tolerant hedonism easily incorporated into our hegemonic ideology, today, not only permitted but ordered to enjoy sex, and people who do not make you feel guilty. The urge to seek radical forms of enjoyment (through sexual experiments and drugs or other methods to induce a trance) emerged in a particular political moment: when "the spirit of 68" was running its political potential. At that critical moment (mid-seventies), the only option left was direct and brutal thrust into the real, which assumed three main forms: the search for extreme forms of sexual enjoyment, the turn to the reality of inner experience (Oriental mysticism) and leftist political terrorism (Red Army Faction in Germany, Red Brigades in Italy, etc.). Bet of leftist political terrorism was, in a time when the masses are embedded in the ideological dream of capitalism, the normal criticism of ideology no longer useful, so the only thing that can awaken the use of raw reality of direct violence, l'action directe.

Lacan remember the challenge of the student demonstrators: "As revolutionaries, you are a hysterical looking for a new master. And ye shall have. "And we had, in the guise of love" permissive "postmodern whose dominance is even greater because it is less visible. Although there is no doubt that this transition was accompanied by many positive changes, it is sufficient to mention the new freedoms and access to positions of power for women, "there is no choice but to insist on the crucial question: maybe it was the passage of a" spirit of capitalism "to another all that really happened in 68, and all the drunken enthusiasm freedom was only a way to substitute one form of domination with another?

Many factors indicate that things are not so simple. If we look at our situation from the perspective del 68, debemos recordar su verdadero legado: el 68 fue, en esencia, un rechazo al sistema liberal-capitalista, un no a todo él. Es fácil reírse de la idea del fin de la historia de Fukuyama, pero la mayoría, hoy día, es fukuyamaísta: se acepta que el capitalismo liberal-democrático es la fórmula definitiva para la mejor sociedad posible y que lo único que se puede hacer es lograr que sea más justa y tolerante. La única pregunta que cuenta hoy es: ¿respaldamos esta naturalización del capitalismo, o el capitalismo globalizado actual contiene antagonismos lo suficientemente fuertes como para impedir su reproducción indefinida?

Dichos antagonismos son (por lo menos) Four: the imminent threat of ecological catastrophe, the inadequacy of private property for so-called "intellectual property" socio-ethical implications of new techno-scientific advances (especially in biogenetics) and new forms of apartheid , the new walls and ghettos. On September 11, 2001, the Twin Towers fell, 12 years earlier, on 9 November 1989 the Berlin Wall fell. November 9 announced the "Roaring Nineties", the dream of the "end of history" Fukuyama, the conviction that liberal democracy had won, that the search had ended, that the arrival of a world community was around the corner, that the obstacles to this happy ending worthy of Hollywood were merely empirical and contingent (local pockets of resistance whose leaders had not yet realized that he had spent his time). By contrast, 11-S is the great symbol of the end of Clinton's Roaring Nineties, the symbol of the coming era, in which there are new walls everywhere, between Israel and the West Bank, around the European Union , on the border between Mexico and the United States.

antagonisms The first three mentioned above affect the elements that Michael Hardt and Toni Negri call "commons", the common substance of our social being whose privatization is a violent act to that should be resisted by all means, even violence, if necessary. Are the common elements of external nature are threatened by pollution and exploitation (oil, forests, natural habitat), the common elements of internal nature (the biogenetic inheritance of humanity), and common elements culture, immediately socialized forms of capital 'knowledge', especially the language, our means of communication and education, but also the common infrastructure of public transport, electricity, mail, etc..

have permitted the Bill Gates monopoly, we would be in the absurd situation that a particular individual possessed literally whole fabric of our network software essential communication. What we are gradually realizing the potential destructive, even self-annihilation of humanity itself, that will come true if given carte blanche to the capitalist logic of enclosing these common elements. Nicholas Stern is right to characterize the climate crisis as "the greatest market failure in human history." Does the need for space for a global political action is able to neutralize and channel market mechanisms do not replace a proper perspective communist? Thus, the reference to "common elements" justify the resurrection of the idea of \u200b\u200bcommunism, we can see the "confinement" progressive of these common elements as the proletarianization of those with it are excluded from its own substance.

Thus, in contrast with the classic image of proletarians who have "nothing to lose but their chains," we're all at risk of losing everything, the threat is that we see reduced to abstract empty Cartesian subjects, devoid of any substance, deprived of our symbolic substance, our genetic base manipulated beings languishing in uninhabitable environment. This triple threat to our whole being makes us all, in a sense, proletarians, and the only way not to become so is to act in advance to prevent it.

What better condenses the real legacy of the formula 68 is Soyons Realistes, demandons l'impossible! ("Be realistic, demand the impossible"). The true utopia is the belief that the current global system can reproduce indefinitely, the only way to be truly realistic is to provide what, in the coordinates of this system has no choice but to seem impossible. Slavoj Zizek

is Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst and author, among other books, Iraq. The tea provided and Cultural Studies. Reflections on Multiculturalism (with Fredric Jameson). Translated by María Luisa Rodríguez Tapia.

Article published on May 5, 2008 in the newspaper El Pais Section "Opinion": 20080501elpepiopi_12/Tes

chilensis on the controversial version "edited" the newspaper the Third :

Some slogans of May '68: ~ Anmore / ideas / graffiti.html

And for those who arrived this article will soon post on its counterpart in architecture.

Patricio De Stefani C.

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Ilve Microwave Wd900esl User Manual


TERROR is miserable
in Fvske Menuko 19-07 Saturday (July murderer rock)

Ekiden (Peru)

Genset (Neuk)

Pulmotor (Fiske Menuko)

Union and Axion (Bariloche)

music, readings and more ...

the you can not lose you!!

Saturday July 19 at 15 pm.
cartonerxs living in "Ruca Quimey"
Don Bosco 650 (between Chile and Chula Vista)
in Menuko Fiske (July murderer rock)

if you're late you sleep like a chaaannccchoo!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Thyme Honey Health Benefits

[AP] Clouds speculative since VALPARAISO / workshop and do?

speculative and electromagnetic in Valparaiso.

The workshop intends to work from a series of clouds that cover the city: these show as amends and speculating from tax measures and strategies of misinformation. Directed to all persons interested in re-thinking our city from projects that affect and alter the physical territory and imaginary (the forum of cultures, cellular antennas, the mall plans, the redevelopment of the coastline, the launching pad for aerospace, sylicon beach etc.) from a series of proposals that will emerge from the two workshop sessions

The workshop will be held in two sessions of work:

The first session , Thursday, July 17th (6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. hrs. ) There will be a presentation of various local and foreign projects showing ways to address a critical creative speculation about the City, from these initiatives will develop a work plan:

During the week 17 to 24, there will be different routes, mapping the city to having material to account for these problems.

- collective mapping the city
- lifting
types - measurement of electromagnetic
- Icon Design
- information graphic proposals
- collage and speculative maps
- among others.

The second session , Thursday, July 24 ( 16:00 to 21:00 hrs. ) is a workspace from the material collected and proposals designed to identify such as electromagnetism and speculation become symbolic of a strategy to amend the City. We propose exercises from speculation, to make us aware of effective models of public intrusion and disinformation.

Directed by artists: Alejandra Pérez (Chile) and Roberto Unterladstaetter (Santa Cruz de la Sierra

Guests: Isaac Alterman, Electronic Engineer, President of Neighbors and Clients in Action

Dates: Thursday, 17 (18:00 to 21:00 hrs.) And Thursday July 24 (16:00 to 21:00 hrs.) 2008.
Location: Area 25 Fischer G, C º Concepción, Valparaíso, Chile.

Application: It is necessary to send a brief letter to taller.comohacer @
explaining the motivations for participating in the workshop. And any doubt
applications at the same mail.

Selection: CRAC with Area G select a maximum of 20 attendees the first day
pay $ 1,000 (thousand dollars) for pa ta rtici LLE pair r.

Jose Llano

Architect Architecture Independent File & Designer Crimes

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .

________________________________ AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Indian Woman Boob In Shari

[AP] WIN, LOSE and no one survives the hegemony of the gaze of art

WON, LOST, and no one survives the hegemony of the gaze of art AP

We tried did not work. We thought it was possible to build from the art and not just a practitioner but MILITANT look, however for a re-encounter with the ideological bases (FARC activism need for advice) NOS tripped, On our incursion because we still cancel incorporation fee over to social networks dle Chilean art.

But !!

In November also prepare from the city of Valparaíso, with a kryptonite meeting, especially those who have supported us, because we believe that their own readings or talks should be open and democratic also on content. WE ARE PREPARING THE COUNTRY and not for HACKERS IN GOOD !!!!!! but a consistent reading on media and architecture. Periphery own theme, and clearly outside of the museum of contemporary art, we use our own imagination.

Jose Llano

Independent Architect Architecture Designer Crimes File &

aparienciapublica editor
http://aparienciapublica .
AMERICA has a rest, Where You Want to Be

Friday, July 4, 2008

How Much Is To Lease Land

this holiday

talked about menstruation
feminine wipes Workshop
home (take care of yourself, you save silver band and not collecting garbage)

This July 9 to 16 hs.
Social Space and Ant Free Black Neuk

Take away pieces of absorbent cloth (diver, cotton or similar)
something to engage the tissue in the flaps remaining pa clinging to her panties
and materials for sewing

If you have reading material or discussion, music and more. Take it to share!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

How To Do My Hair Like Lady Gaga

Public Appearance invited to attend the National Meeting of Architecture Students on the idea of \u200b\u200bdrifting fragments City .


Wednesday 30 July Thursday 31 July Friday 1 August

Saturday 2 August

USACH School of Architecture

ENEA is presented as an open platform meeting and discussion before the production of architecture students nationwide in which you view a student profile that lets the intellectual torpor of political transition to find the expansion of its own field and body. ENEA explores the dynamics that this time is the establishment of workshops, a laboratory that different parts of the city read like little urban settings operating in the public space, these ways of reading these fragments derive from the individual work but also integrated several student groups from various schools, in most cases detached and rebels of the traditional lines of teaching Architecture, seeking integration with neighboring fields such as visual arts, philosophy, economics, science and technology, this time made available to the citizens about the reality of Santiago de Chile.

I have a group and want to participate!

For the coordination of the activities carried out during the ENEA are making a series of meetings laboratory for proposing workshops and focused activities to account for these parts of the city, if you want to integrate this call contact.

Soriano Andres Romero

Bachelor of Architecture Co-Investigator [AP]