Monday, February 23, 2009

Very Very Little Loitas

I have a dear friend who is unemployed, conosco a number of people that are having a hard time even though they are employees, and others who have not secured work in the coming months. Finally, the financial crisis has begun to touch closely. The funny thing is that this friend traveling in summer and at Christmas he returned to go on holiday with her two children, that he has incurred an expenditure of $ 6,000.00 going to speculate Dollars. One of those in danger of losing his job because in his employment contract works just change your car by a more modern model. So I wonder, do these people have handled the situation last year when we all know that the economic situation has changed dramatically everywhere. I have listened many times to thousands of people say that the panic to get into crisis is at the discretion of each other and stop not be fun or luxuries because then they would be accepting the fact that there really is a crisis. I am sorry that at this point yet, although some people's economic status has not changed much is matter of time before we see the need to choose between eating and smoking cessation, or pay rent or quit eating out. If not panic because it gives me to be in a situation so or because I have the responsibility to pay a mortgage every month, but since the beginning of last year I undertook a low-energy method in the house and started to assume an attitude of fear of leaving to spend more than they should. Last Sunday I went out to eat with a friend and I was surprised that all the places we went were crowded and do not want to wait and went to several places and it was very difficult to get a table at a restaurant. I do not criticize people continue Divito, what I find incredible is the ignorance that is still observed in the majority before the current situation and taking into account that it is question of sweater and long before thousands of people losing their jobs. Though I'm lucky and keep my job, has no large family and have a nest egg, that does not guarantee that the crisis is not going to touch me, the only thing I guarantee is that I will be able to overcome certain situations. Maybe I'm exaggerating a bit, as my daughter, but I strongly believe that it is advised Gerra not hurt so much and it's better safe than sorry.
here are some steps I have taken at home and believe me, I have seen many results and I could save a bit more than before.

"We had two cars, mine and sold 7 months ago're saving $ 296 dollars in insurance, but what we save on gasoline and other expenses that were necessary to keep the car. Now I buy an unlimited Metrocard which means walking more (which prior to and is not healthy)

"In the supermarket is where I cut more costs. Buy brands of super and I've stopped buying quantities just because they are special. You'd be surprised how many things before buying and were not really necessary. Now I make a list and I stick to it.

-used 3 different detergents to clean the bathroom and other areas, now buy one that fits all. Before we used a shampoo, toothpaste and soap all different now use the same brand.

"I'm just going to the mall if I need anything. Things like a rental service for movies (netflix) make family meals on Sundays rather than go out and have done custom. (And even now is that we have long conversations more time together)

-I have also been saving up extra money by turning off lights in rooms not in use, change the bulbs to another low-power, using a single Internet server (before I had 2 companies) eliminates many cable channels actually did not see or did not meet expectations. Before we had 3 and 2 different plans cell service, we now have a family plan. (It's amazing the bill of light has fallen by 38%)

"I never brought lunch to work, but my daughter was spending about $ 60 a week on eating out, the work goes to college and I about $ 35 weekly. Now I sadwiches and I'm so creative and varied that we all love it. My husband bought a bottle of water and two daily, these cost approximately $ 1.50 a week together in that the spent only $ 10.50, for I have chosen to buy a box of 24 bottles for only $ 4.00 BJS dollars.

I also tried to reduce other expenses. This does not mean I've stopped doing the things I like, really do believe that the situation should be taken more seriously. This year I do not plan to go on a trip unless you have an emergency, after all even though I lived in New York for many years there are places you've never visited, not a bad idea to domestic tourism, or to change activities with I do not see friends often.
think it depends on the discretion of each other, and generally there are people that treat the same situation in different ways, but one thing I am sure the situation is critical, it is. If we are in crisis.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Hurts More Before Period

crisis Theories of Television and the talent to be strong but safe Afternoon

I call a talent to be strong since discovered that the force is not only physically. Develop this talent costs a lot of mental effort. Each day we prepare to be stronger and better things than yesterday could not, I mean, today I'm going to eat that much ice at the time of the break because too many calories, or better I'm not going to give coins to the beggar train because I'm tired of that every day you invent a new disease for me I have hurt. In order to improve living wanting the past, the force is the least important. Today I would like
strong sen me an idiot for not criticizing the people who I call uninhibited when absurd comment just because you have the opportunity to have a microphone in front of or have an idiotic public who want to understand what he hears but deceo the end of the conversation to pose with famozo enterder not let what the speaker is saying happy. That stupid!

Every day at the dinner terrifies me that the TV is tuned to the news of the only English channels here in the city. It's terrible twist, simulate, and to misinform the latest news. Incredibly they are never updated and only focus on news from nustros countries, apart from local news and news that ought to be informing our people.

Ignorance is such that when you hear people who have no other means of learning some acontecinmiento not knowing the language, commenting on some news you realize that the medium that diffused is mediocre and not making a Information quality work. Univision and Telemundo were to stop focusing so much on what happens on Mexican soil, and debian, or are required as the only media resource for the majority of Hispanics speak only English update viewers with the latest news and events of all the world, sometimes annoys me and I need the control of all my strength when I hear an announcement are completely distorted from reality and two or three days after passing, this is considering that and Hispanics have much strength in the decisions, opinions, and in the workplace of this country. And considering that maybe it's the future president of Hispanic origin, born and educated in the U.S. anywhere.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Different Images Of The Throat

Pavel Nuñez

Happy Valentine Day! I hope that everyone in this day of love, receive much love, kisses and especially many pounds of chocolates.

I received an invitation from my dear friend Mel to meet some bloggers with this outstanding composer and singer Pavel Nuñez. going to be a very intimate, and had not had time to send the invitation to others because Mel did not have the time and place confirmed until yesterday. Lacxos grace that made it possible to get the question, but due to schedule the artist had to move to Restaurant 809 at 112 Dyckman St and the corner of Nagle Ave. The meeting will be held Saturday morning February 14 at 4:00 pm, and nothing, it would be interesting to meet this talented guy, and also share a little bit to who will go. Happy day of love and friendship for everyone!
Ps: Bloggers Only Please! as I said is an intimate encounter and will be only a couple of hours.
Everyone knows how to communicate with me! see'ya!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Who Makes The Best Mid Range Av Receiver

My best day

Today does not look pretty, it's snowing very hard since yesterday. The sky is cloudy and no birds, no butterflies in the air. no flowers on the way, but there are many other things because thank god. The mere fact of having the entire body, having lived so long, for having laughed so much, to work, you can love. No, I'm not sentimental, I am happy to meet one more year and be part of this world normal environment. Today we do not ask for much. I ask for love, the power to continue dreaming, Expecting to continue despertanto every day and the opportunity to continue celebrating life. Is that tonight when I get home there will be some flowers and a cake on the table, lots of kisses and hugs filled with love. So do not ask for more, is all I need today.
Although my head since this morning has not stopped looking at me like an idiot and say I'm getting old!
Thank God for the opportunity of a new year!

ps: On Saturday there stew!