Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Hurts More Before Period

crisis Theories of Television and the talent to be strong but safe Afternoon

I call a talent to be strong since discovered that the force is not only physically. Develop this talent costs a lot of mental effort. Each day we prepare to be stronger and better things than yesterday could not, I mean, today I'm going to eat that much ice at the time of the break because too many calories, or better I'm not going to give coins to the beggar train because I'm tired of that every day you invent a new disease for me I have hurt. In order to improve living wanting the past, the force is the least important. Today I would like
strong sen me an idiot for not criticizing the people who I call uninhibited when absurd comment just because you have the opportunity to have a microphone in front of or have an idiotic public who want to understand what he hears but deceo the end of the conversation to pose with famozo enterder not let what the speaker is saying happy. That stupid!

Every day at the dinner terrifies me that the TV is tuned to the news of the only English channels here in the city. It's terrible twist, simulate, and to misinform the latest news. Incredibly they are never updated and only focus on news from nustros countries, apart from local news and news that ought to be informing our people.

Ignorance is such that when you hear people who have no other means of learning some acontecinmiento not knowing the language, commenting on some news you realize that the medium that diffused is mediocre and not making a Information quality work. Univision and Telemundo were to stop focusing so much on what happens on Mexican soil, and debian, or are required as the only media resource for the majority of Hispanics speak only English update viewers with the latest news and events of all the world, sometimes annoys me and I need the control of all my strength when I hear an announcement are completely distorted from reality and two or three days after passing, this is considering that and Hispanics have much strength in the decisions, opinions, and in the workplace of this country. And considering that maybe it's the future president of Hispanic origin, born and educated in the U.S. anywhere.


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